The cave data block is repeated 300 times, six times for each of the 50 levels (each level is thus 4236B, 0x108C). Note that some upper_level objects span several squares which can cause unexpected behavior if objects overlap. Follows the same square pattern as the lower_level block. Upper_level: Each short codes for an arch, shovel and pail, valve, or other swim-through object. There are 16 squares in each row and 11 rows.īackground: Codes for one of five background images There is one short for each square on the level grid the first short codes for the upper left and subsequent shorts proceed right across the rows. Lower_level: Each short codes for a wall or an object (kelp seed, urchin, etc.). Game levels are stored in the MAZE.he8 game data file. The same example level as viewed in the game. It is called "scummvm-freddimazemadness.ini" in the folder "Steam\steamapps\common\Freddi Fish and Luthers Maze Madness\ScummVM_Windows". This file can be accessed in the Steam version as well.

The editor can be opened with ScummVM by using Control-D, and then typing "room 5." It can also be opened by going into hegames.ini on C:\Windows, adding "RhettCool=1" under, then entering the game and pressing the "E" key while viewing the standard editor. In its final game state, it allows single caves to be saved and loaded. The Secret Level Editor in Maze Madness is an in-house editor that was used by the designers to create the game's levels. The secret editor with an example level open!